Second Open Enrollment Period Ends  


Second Open Enrollment Period Ends  

Four important things to know:

February 28 – deadline extended for those who started, but did not complete their applications.  Learn more.  

Special Enrollment Periods for those who remain uninsured, but have a special ‘qualifying event’.  Learn more.  

Those qualifying for Medicaid can enroll throughout the year.  Learn more

Those having tax related questions should look here.

Our Heroes!

Our heroes are all those who provided assistance to help consumers get through the system and pick the right plan.  We are particularly grateful to the Navigators and Assisters who work with Maryland’s six Regional Connector Entities.  Watch Carolyn Quattrocki say thank you.  The Connector Entities provide real value in assisting individuals to get the assistance they need –learn more.

Enrollment By the Numbers

264,245 Marylanders have enrolled through Maryland Health Connection from Nov. 15, 2014 to Feb. 15, 2015. That includes 119,096 people enrolled in private Qualified Health Plans (QHP) and 145,149 enrolled in Medicaid. 

Read the full enrollment report.

CareFirst loses market share but gains enrollees the  Baltimore Business Journal reports.  

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