Health Literacy
As stated in the ACA Health Literacy is, ‘The degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services to make appropriate health decisions.’ Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, Article V.
Health Literacy Resources
The Coalition has designed a new health care literacy tool – Take Care – Getting the most out of your health insurance. If you are interested in receiving copies of this three panel brochure for the individuals you serve please contact us.
A Path to Health Literacy – A Coalition resource that describes the three phases of health literacy with a brief list of useful resources.
Health Literacy and Clear Health Communication – This guide from the University of Maryland provides links to resources on health literacy in the United States and guides for clear health communication.
America’s Health Literacy: Why We Need Accessible Health Information – A study that deomnstrates that currently available health information is too difficult for average Americans to use to make health decisions.
Health Literacy in the News
Kaiser Health News article underscores the challenges that consumers face in both choosing the right insurance plan and then knowing how to use it.
- Michelle Andrews writes that consumers ‘know less than they think they know … As people shop for health coverage this fall, the gap between perception and reality could lead them to choose plans that don’t meet their needs, the researchers suggest.’ Read more – Lack Of Understanding About Insurance Could Lead To Poor Choices.